Bernie gay pride shirts

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T’s? The only difference is mine is a little more ‘mo,’ a little less ‘hawk.’' Although meant as a reference to the recent release of the feature film adaptation of The A-Team, some interpreted the tweet's timing (around the time of a number of gay pride celebrations) and the use of the word 'mo' (which could be read as short for 'homo') as a sly, under-the-table effective outing of Bert. The article commented on a tweet posted by Bert in June of that year: 'Ever notice how similar my hair is to Mr. On October 24, 2010, the Los Angeles Times published an article about how some gay advocates believed that Sesame Street was intentionally appealing more to gay viewers. Note that no skit has ever shown either character sewing, wearing the other's clothing, or cooking. Reverend Joseph Chambers radio show, 1994 If this isn't meant to represent a homosexual union, I can't imagine what it's supposed to represent.

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In one show Bert teaches Ernie how to sew. They share clothes, eat and cook together and have blatantly effeminate characteristics. “Bert and Ernie are two grown men sharing a house and a bedroom.

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